



上传时间:2024-05-14 18:37:57浏览量:215




  30 April 2024

  Search for courses on the UCAS website. 2025 entry courses will be live on UCAS from this date.

  14 May 2024

  You can start your UCAS application from this point, but you can’t submit it until September.

  3 June 2024

  Applications open for bursary vouchers and access arrangements for the ESATand TMUA admissions tests. You’ll need to take the ESAT if you want to study Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Engineering, Natural Sciences or Veterinary Medicine, and the TMUA if you want to study Computer Science or Economics.

  18 June 2024

  Booking for the UCAT admission test opens, if you want to study Medicine or Graduate Medicine.

  8 July 2024

  UCAT admission testing starts, if you want to study Medicine or Graduate Medicine.

  1 August 2024

  Registration opens for LNAT admission test if you want to study Law.

  Registration for the ESAT and TMUA admissions tests opens.

  29 August 2024

  Deadline to apply for access arrangements for the ESAT and TMUA admissions tests.

  1 September 2024

  Deadline for submitting a transcript, if you’ve applied for an organ scholarship (TBC).

  3 September 2024 onwards

  Submit your UCAS application for Cambridge from this date. Make sure you submit your application by the relevant deadline. You can start to complete your UCAS application from May.

  15 September 2024

  Deadline to register for the LNAT admission test if you want to study Law.

  Deadline to apply for access arrangements for the UCAT admission test if you want to study Medicine or Graduate Medicine.

  16 September 2024

  Deadline to register for the ESAT and TMUA admissions tests. This is also the deadline to apply for a bursary voucher for these tests.

  19 September 2024

  Deadline to register for the UCAT admission test if you want to study Medicine or Graduate Medicine.

  26 September 2024

  Take the UCAT admission test by this date if you want to study Medicine or Graduate Medicine.

  15 October 2024

  Deadline to submit your UCAS application (6pm UK time). If you’re a mature student (21+) you can apply to one of the mature Colleges for some courses in March.

  Take the LNAT admission test by this date if you want to study Law.

  Take the ESAT admissions test on 15 or 16 October if you want to study Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Engineering, Natural Sciences or Veterinary Medicine.

  16 October 2024

  Take the TMUA admissions test on 16 or 17 October if you want to study Computer Science or Economics.

  22 October 2024

  Deadline to submit My Cambridge Application (6pm UK time). This is an extra application form that you need to complete if you want to study at Cambridge. If you’re applying for the graduate course in Medicine, you won’t need to complete My Cambridge Application.

  Deadline to provide your transcript, if you’re an international student.

  If you applied for the graduate course in Medicine, this is the deadline to submit your additional application form. This is an extra form that you need to complete if you want to study Medicine (Graduate Course).

  Deadline to submit your Extenuating Circumstances Form (ECF). This is an extra form that your teacher or doctor can complete if you found it difficult to study.

  November 2024

  The College you applied to will invite you for an interview, if you’ve been shortlisted. Find out how to prepare for an interview.

  December 2024

  Most College interviews take place in the first 3 weeks of December.

  January 2025

  The College you applied to may be impressed by your application, but not have a place for you. If this happens they may share your application with other Colleges to consider. Find out more about how we make a decision on your application.

  If you applied in October, we will let you know whether we have decided to offer you a place. Find out what to do when you are told the outcome of your application.

  29 January 2025

  Deadline to apply if you want to study the Foundation Year (6pm UK time).

  1 March 2025

  Deadline to apply for a course as part of the March application round, if you’re a mature student (11.59pm UK time).

  Take the LNAT admission assessment by this date if you want to study Law and have applied as a mature student in the March application round.

  8 March 2025

  Deadline to submit My Cambridge Application (6pm UK time) if you apply as part of the March application round for mature students.

  May to June 2025

  You take your A levels, IB and other examinations.

  Take the Sixth Term Examination Paper (STEP) if you’ve applied for a course where it’s required.

  August 2025

  Exam results are released. Find out what to do when you get your exam results.

  We will confirm our final decision on your application. Find out how we make application decisions and what you need to do when you are told the outcome of your application.



  ESAT(Engineering Sciences Admission Test)适用于化学工程和生物技术、工程、自然科学或兽医学等专业。

  TMUA(Thinking Skills Assessment) 适用于计算机科学或经济学等专业。

  UCAT(University Clinical Aptitude Test):适用于医学等专业。

  LNAT(National Admissions Test for Law)适用于法律等专业。



  注意!当准备参加剑桥大学专业考试时,请注意不同考试的注册时间各有差异。为了确保顺利参加考试,考生需在考试前完成相应的access arrangements(特殊考试安排)。建议考生参考剑桥大学提供的时间表,以确保及时完成注册和特殊安排的申请。








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