



上传时间:2024-06-04 15:28:48浏览量:419




  一份完整的申请表:You must submit your application online through the Coalition Application or Common Application. Princeton's CEEB Code: 2672

  填写普林斯顿-specific问答. In addition to the questions provided by the Coalition Application or Common Application, all applicants must submit the Princeton-specific Questions. You should submit the Princeton-specific Questions online through the Coalition Application or Common Application website.

  申请费递交: You may submit a fee waiver one of two ways: 1) Select the fee waiver option on the Coalition Application or Common Application. Your school counselor must approve your fee waiver request online or submit your fee waiver form by mail or fax. 2) Select one of the following fee waiver options on the application: Princeton-specific, ACT, College Board or NACAC. All low-income students are eligible for the Princeton-specific fee waiver. In addition, all applicants who are serving or have served in the U.S. military are eligible for the Princeton-specific fee waiver. If you use the Princeton-specific fee waiver, you do not need to get approval from your college counselor or academic adviser.

  记分书面论文:A graded written paper is required, preferably in the subjects of English or history.





  (4)2封教师推荐:请两位在不同学术领域教过你高级课程(如AP, IB高级/标准水平,a - level等)的老师填写并发送教师推荐表格,该表格可在联合申请或通用申请网站上获得。这些学科应该是核心学术领域,如英语、语言、人文、社会科学、自然科学或数学。




  SAT或ACT:如果你选择提交考试,申请人应该在10月的单选择提前考试日期和12月的常规考试日期之前参加SAT或ACT考试。在注册SAT或ACT时,请使用以下代码确保您的成绩发送到普林斯顿:SAT: 2672和ACT: 2588。

  SAT科目考试:普林斯顿不需要SAT科目考试。如果您选择参加科目考试(在2021年1月/ 6月之前,大学理事会取消了该考试)并希望提交成绩,您可以这样做。



  (1)艺术补充材料: if applicable. If you've excelled in architecture, creative writing, dance, music, music theater, theater or visual arts, and would like us to consider your talent, you are welcome to submit an optional Arts Supplement. Early action applicants must submit digital arts materials by Nov. 6 and regular decision applicants by Jan. 8. On the Coalition, Common or QuestBridge Application, please indicate your intention to submit an Arts Supplement in Princeton’s member questions. You will be able to submit an Arts Supplement through your Princeton Applicant Status Portal. Please keep in mind that you need to submit your application to Princeton University before you can submit your Arts Supplement. Given the timeline, students who are participating in the QuestBridge National College Match will be unable to submit an Arts Supplement.

  (2)面试:Princeton offers optional alumni interviews. Interviews take place after the Admission Office has received your application. You may choose to opt out of the interview in the Princeton Supplement, and this choice will not put you at any disadvantage in the admission process. If you do not opt out, you may receive an email inviting you to interview with a member of our Princeton Alumni Schools Committee. If so, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. The interviews are 30-45 minute informal conversations, where you can discuss the things that are important to you and also ask questions to someone who attended Princeton. We cannot guarantee that every applicant will receive an interview. This will depend on the availability of alumni in your area. Our dedicated alumni do manage to contact the vast majority of our applicants every year; however, if you do not receive an interview for any reason, it will not put you at a disadvantage since the interview is optional. We do not offer on-campus interviews. These interviews must not be recorded in any way, either by the interviewer or the applicant. Given the timeline, students who are participating in the QuestBridge National College Match will be unable to complete an interview.










预约咨询:400 - 686 - 9991




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